CALEB’S DESTINY (Troubles in the West, Book 1) by Carole Brown ~ Grace Filled Fiction Spotlight, late spring 2020

A Calegs Destiny

Historical Western Romantic Suspense, Christian Historical Fiction


Q:  What is your latest release/release you chose to spotlight, and what would you like us to know about it? What take away? If its theme is pertinent to the time of year, a holiday that’s coming up, something that’s topical to life today mention that.

CB:  CALEB’S DESTINY (Troubles in the West, Book 1):  Why were three fathers murdered under suspicious circumstances while on their quest to find gold?  Three children, connected through tragedy and separated by time, are fated to reunite and re-right some powerful wrongs. If you love tough, but gentle cowboys who have difficult decisions to make and feisty, yet frilly-loving women who are not afraid to tackle scary tasks, then this novel is one you’ll enjoy. Take away: In spite of tragedy and wrong decisions, God is always there.

Q:  Please tell both fiction readers and writers what your writing journey has been like. How long have you been seriously writing? What have you learned? Did you experience anything unexpected? What has been your greatest joy and/or angst?

CB:  One thing I’ve learned is that sometimes we need a break. My most serious one was last year. As hard as I tried, as hard as I wanted to write, I’d gone through too much, too many things were pulling my focus away from writing. Though I was held up for that year, it was a good lesson to me. Take that break I needed…but never, never give up on writing.

Q:  Grace Filled Fiction Spotlight encourages excellence in Christian fiction. What are things you look for in terms of excellence in novels you read? What is the latest novel you’ve read that you could heartily recommend and why?

CB:  My favorite genre to read is mystery, suspense with romance thrown into the mix. The book that stands out to me is one that stirs me emotionally. I might: sigh/cry with happiness, hate a certain character, want to go there to live, work with/meet with the characters to work out that suspense/mystery. It’s always a book that is placed in a very special pile: the Keeper’s/to-be-read-again Pile.

Q:  How has grace functioned in your life, been important to you? Do you have a joyous, unique, or even humorous story to tell about how grace manifested in your daily life, perhaps unexpectedly?

CB:  While hurting, for some time, from a certain person’s actions, a person I loved very much, God seemed to remind me: You want them to know God, then pray for them. God had shown me grace many times. Why should I not do the same to a person who was very hard to deal with? I still doubted, but I changed my prayer, and I’ve seen some improvement and gentleness come from my simple act of showing grace.

Q What will you be doing next, either in writing or in life?

CB:  The third novel in my The Spies of WWII series: Sing Until You Die. Claire claims to despise Wills Mason, but does she really? When Claire is used as means of spying without her knowledge and pulled into serious trouble, the only person she can trust is Wills. She experiences a true faith in God, while helping Wills catch the spies, learns love was waiting all along in the wings of her life.

Purchase CALEB’S DESTINY on Amazon