THE REVISIONARY (The Rogues Book 1) by Kristen Hogrefe ~ Grace Filled Fiction Spotlight, Spring 2020

AAA Cover

Dystopian Fiction, Speculative Fiction, Teen and Young Adult, Thrillers and Suspense

Q:  What is your latest release/release you chose to spotlight, and what would you like us to know about it? What take away? If its theme is pertinent to the time of year or a holiday that’s coming up, mention that.  

KH:  TEH REVISIONARY presents the theme of finding hope for tomorrow, a timely message given the uncertainty so many are facing today. My heroine Portia sets out to save her brother from a satellite prison camp, but ultimately realizes she needs rescuing herself. Her search for the true Source of hope leads her on an adventure of rediscovering America’s godly heritage that her government has suppressed.

Q:  Please tell both fiction readers and writers what your writing journey has been like. How long have you been seriously writing? What have you learned? Did you experience anything unexpected? What has been your greatest joy?

KH:  My writing journey has been an adventure of its own! I’ve been writing seriously since college and have learned so much in the process: from self-publishing to working with a traditional publisher. A teacher at heart, I’ve adopted a “teach-as-you-go” style that has involved sharing my experiences at writer’s conferences and online courses. My greatest joy has come through meeting readers and building friendships with other writers.

Q:  Grace Filled Fiction Spotlight encourages excellence in Christian fiction. What are things you look for in terms of excellence in novels you read? What is the latest novel you’ve read that you could heartily recommend and why?

KH:  I look for books that engage me and answer the question: Why should I care? I also appreciate when the author’s message comes through as a natural part of the story. My latest read and recommendation is Beneath the Surface by Lynn H. Blackburn. What a page-turner! Blackburn also confronted her characters with hard questions, like: Why doesn’t God answer prayers? Why does He let bad things happen? She shared her faith well through story.

Q:  How has grace functioned in your life, been important to you? Do you have a joyous, unique, or even humorous story to tell about how grace manifested in your daily life, perhaps unexpectedly?

KH:  My husband and I recently bought our first home together, and it’s a “project” house. Bathrooms, kitchen, flooring … they all have to be redone. It’s an awesome adventure to share together but also a challenge for this recovering perfectionist! God is helping me to have grace and be grateful for what is done, not what isn’t. The other day, I thanked Him for our currently pink bathroom instead of dwelling on what we need to change.


Q:  What will you be doing next, either in writing or in life?

KH:  Aside from home renovations, I have several writing projects in the works, including a contemporary YA suspense, a romantic suspense (women’s fiction), and a young adult spiritual growth nonfiction. I am prayerfully seeking God’s guidance and open doors for these projects. Like so many of you, I’ve also had to postpone trips, so I’ll be glad to travel again when it’s safe to do so!

Purchase THE REVISIONARY on Amazon


5 thoughts on “THE REVISIONARY (The Rogues Book 1) by Kristen Hogrefe ~ Grace Filled Fiction Spotlight, Spring 2020

  1. Reblogged this on Kristen Hogrefe and commented:
    I’m excited to share that The Revisionary was selected for the Grace Filled Fiction Spotlight this spring! You can read the interview about how this dystopian fiction remains relevant for today and what else I have in the works.

  2. Pingback: The Revisionary Gets Featured on Grace Filled Fiction Spotlight, Spring 2020 – Kristen Hogrefe

  3. Pingback: The Revisionary Gets Featured on Grace Filled Fiction Spotlight, Spring 2020 - Kristen Hogrefe Parnell

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